The Collection Begins
11 AUGUST 2007
Greetings again everyone,
Don't worry if you are unsure or forgot who you pledged with or even how you are going to go about handing over the payments. We have made it fairly simple and very flexible for everyone.
Simple Steps To Follow (Guideline Only)
- Check for your name which should be listed in our pledge list
- Check for the name of the committee member you pledged with (names listed in the blogsite).
- Email the committee member (emails are available on the blogsite) and arrange for a suitable payment method (e.g - cash / cheque / IBG transfer *)
- You may also contact the relevant committee members by phone if you so wish *
- If you do not remember or know who you made your pledge with don't worry. Just email us at and we will provide you with their contact details.
- Please be aware that we have neither authorised nor contracted any third party individual/company to conduct these collections. You may contact us to verify your uncertainties before parting with your hard earned cash.
* To safeguard the privacy and safety of personal information of both the members of the public as well as members of the committee, we will not be posting any contact numbers or bank account details on the blogsite.
If you require these details in order to facilitate your pledge payments, please contact the relevant committee member and they will gladly provide you with all the information that you may need to complete or finalise your transaction.
Finally on behalf of all the committee members we would like to salute and sincerely thank ALL OF YOU for making this possible.
From the Project Zoo-Out Team